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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chapter 9

For the first time in his life, Jonas feels different from the rest of the Elevens. After the Ceremony, he looks for his friends and family among the throng of people who eye him and whisper about him among themselves. Having spotted Asher, Jonas invites him to ride back home together. Although Asher agrees, Jonas feels that for a moment, Asher is uncertain. "There [is] just a moment when things [aren't] quite the same, [aren't] quite as they [have] always been through the long friendship." Chapter 9. Pg. 66
During the evening meal, Lily talks on as usual. Mother and Father tell Jonas that they are proud of his honorable Assignment as the Receiver. Father adds that the job is the most important and honored in the community. When Jonas asks them about the failed selection of the Receiver ten years ago, both parents fall silent, unable to give a complete answer. The Eleven who had been chosen as the Receiver ten years ago had been a female, but her name was never to be mentioned or used for a newchild. Her name had been designated Not-to-be-Spoken, the worst disgrace in the community. Neither of his parents knew what had happened to her.
At night, Jonas opens the folder he received at the Ceremony. Every Eleven had received a folder with pages of rules and instructions along with his or her Assignment. Jonas's folder is thin compared to those of others he has seen, and in it is only one sheet of rules.
There is a total of eight rules on the sheet. Everyday, Jonas is to report himself to the attendant at the Annex behind the House of the Old. After each day of training, he is to go immediately to his family dwelling. He is also exempt from rules regarding rudeness; he can ask anything of anyone. He is not to talk about his training with anyone, however, not even with his parents and other Elders. He is prohibited from talking about his dreams or applying for any medication related to training or applying for release. Finally, he is allowed to lie.
Having read over the rules, Jonas is stunned. He is disappointed that there will no longer be time for recreation in his schedule, and he is surprised to see that he will be exempt from the rules regarding rudeness. He thinks that he will never be rude to someone in the community. "He [is] so completely, so thoroughly accustomed to courtesy within the community that the thought of asking another citizen an intimate question, calling someone's attention to an area of awkwardness, [is] unnerving." Chapter 9, pg. 69 Because he dreams very rarely, Jonas thinks that no longer being able to tell his dreams will not be a problem. Thinking about the rule that no longer allows him to receive any medication, Jonas is reminded of what the Chief Elder said about his Assignment--that it would bring inexplicable pain. As for not being able to apply for release, Jonas is certain that he will never apply for one, but he is bothered by the rule that allows him to lie. From childhood, he has been taught to use language precisely and to never lie. Once as a Four, Jonas had indicated his hunger by saying "I'm starving," and he had been mildly scolded for using language incorrectly. He had not been starving; he had only been hungry. No one in the community starved, and he had spoken an "unintentional lie." Jonas is disturbed because he does not lie nor does anyone else around him like Asher, Lily, and his parents. Suddenly, however, Jonas has a thought that frightens him. "What if others--adults--had, upon becoming Twelves, received in their instructions the same terrifying sentence? What if they had all been instructed: You may lie?" Chapter 9, pg. 71 Jonas is confused and terrified by this idea.


  1. I think Jonas shouldnt have been scared because I see airplains all the time in NC..............

  2. I deffinatly would have taken advantage of a couple of those rules if i were in Jonas's shoe in that time and place.:)

  3. I think he was scared of the planes because he never has seen a plane that close to his city. Also Hi Ms. V :D

  4. Dee...that comment really doesn't have anything to do with this chapter. Can you please put this comment in the right place? You also have to remember that they lived in a Utopian Society in which they didn't know much about anything!!!!

  5. I think Melissa is right but Jonas is to use to the rules he doesnt know what to do.

  6. Mrs V. I like this chapter but what does throng mean on the third sentence

  7. I would have already told people my training. I don't have the guts to keep secrets to myself. I dont like that he has to keep his training to himself.

  8. I agree with Micah it's not very fair that he can't tell anyone about what he does.

  9. Its good to feel different because he is been older and doesn't feel younger anymore

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I also agree with Micah. I would love to tell people what assignment I was gived, since it is so rare.

  12. i believe that this chapter is the most importent chapter of the 23 because it is the chapter when jonas starts relieving that he is different and not the same as everybody!!! :)

  13. I think he should be able to tell what he does because it is important.

  14. I Think this chapter helps illustrates what Jonas is thinkin bout hiz future. This chapter is really important.

  15. For the first time he isn't the same he was chosen as the reciver of memory. And then he is given the list of rules that he dosen't know. that would have been scary for him.

  16. I would hate to have felt like Jonas not knowing what the reciever is.

  17. I like this chapter.. it is like the climax of the story.. I would freak out to if i hasd a long list of rules i had to memorize and follow everyday, or i would be released... That is just sort of complicated..

  18. this chapter for me was intresting because i wanted to know how his first day of work would turn out because i mean at the little assembly thingy the woman was acting like this was some crazy exciting job but there would be pain, so i was looking foward to seeing how he would react to things and if he would be all neverous and stuff because personally i would probably not go and do something that involves me being hurt.

  19. I don't like some of the rules because after school the rest of his day is planned and he has to do it every day.

  20. I would love to have rules to say things like you can lie because what he finds out its horrible

  21. some of the rule are good actually.

  22. I would have taken advantage over some of those rules. Like you can lie and you can be rude

  23. This chapter shows what Jonas is really think
