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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chapter 8

Everyone in the Auditorium is uncomfortable and confused. Jonas is humiliated and terrified. After the final Assignment, the Chief Elder speaks again, first apologizing to the community for the anxiety she has caused them to feel. But she tells them that she has not made a mistake.


  1. I would be so freaked out if I were Jonas because if I were the only one that hasn't been called then I would be embarrassed

  2. I would probably fall in my chair and be crying my eyes out if I was skiped like that.

  3. this is far by the best 1 in da book.
    this is like the climax of the story.
    i wouldnt know what to do iff i got skipped.

  4. i would be scared that i would be released and i would be mad at the cheif for making me feel that way but i wouldnt say that to the cheif because it would be considereded rude

  5. I would be so scared if I got skipped. I would be so emmbrassed if everyone in the group would have a job but me.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. That was the chapter that started the story. That is why they called it "The Giver".

  8. I was thinking that jonas was going to be reliesed when he got skiptede.

  9. I would be totally freaking out since i was recently told a story of a boy who became a discrace and was released. Also, Jonas doesnt even know what release IS. So he would end up with a bad feeling in his stoumach and a needle full of lethal injections. The HORROR!! D=

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I would be really nervous to begin with, and being skipped would have made things way worse. I know evertime I go on stage in front of people I am like freaking out even though I know it would be over in like 5 seconds. (:

  12. i loved this chapter because it was really interesting when i was reading at first I thought that he was going to be released for some reason

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. i think this chapter was the best because would not know what to do if i where him.

  15. I agree with darien! I always get nervous in groups of people. I like this chapter, all the chapters are good. (:

  16. I would hate to have been skipped like that. I would also be confused not knowing what the reciver was.

  17. I think that the elder waited until the end to call up jonas because jonas's job is the most important so she kept it to last:)

  18. I love this chapter because when i was reding it at first i laugh because they said that jonas was terrified because i woul also be stage fight and terrified. :)

  19. Aaron.. Sadly i agree with you... But he was not skipped... He was called last maybe because his job is the most important of them all or maybe because she likes that job! I dont know.. But he was not skipped! :)

  20. I agree with dennase it is one of the best books i have read.

  21. ok i agree with darien because no one really wants to be skipped in like the most important day of there lives so i would be like WHAT!! but i would also be nervous to be called up last because everyone is kinda confused so theres even MORE attention on you!

  22. i would be comepletely embarrased if i was jonas by not having my name being called.

  23. I would be soooo upset and scared if somebody skipped me, and i would feel sorry for myself .

  24. i would start turnin red because i wouldnt want to be the one person who gets called last

  25. I think this chapter is kind of wierd actually. Like why would just be kind of upset and like think that she accidently forgot my number. And i dont get how that would cause anxiety but i would understand everyone being confused.

  26. I would be nervous and scared if they skipped me.

  27. If I was the father of the 12 that got skipted I would have fliped out.

  28. The Chief said there would be pian he has never felt before. That must has been scary for him and also when he got skipped.

  29. i will fell terrified too if that happens to me :)

  30. If I was in Jonas's shoes I would've been really scared. I would've thought that I was being released.

  31. i would have been scared and confused.

  32. I would have scared and confused.
