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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chapter 2

Jonas's parents begin talking about the Ceremony in December. During the conversation, Jonas remembers the ceremonies he has had before and the ceremonies he has seen. During the Ceremony of One, all newchildren who were born the year before turn One. There are always fifty in each year's group. During the ceremony, each one of them is brought up to the stage to be given names. At the mention of the ritual of Naming, Father guiltily admits that he broke a rule earlier that day. Despite rules against doing so, he peeked at the Naming List of the newchildren who had been born last year. He wanted to know the name of the boy he had brought home for the night, and found that it was to be Gabriel.


  1. IN this chapter i was surprised that even when the father admit to breaking a rule he never got punished... Every other time someone does somthing the speaker comes on or they are removed...

  2. I'm Surprised How All The Ceromonies Are Constructed

  3. i thought the naming list was kinda strange i think the parents should choose the name of their children instead of having them named for you

  4. Barbie! lol but yea ummm this chapter is really interesting. I love it!

  5. this chapter is the one that got me in da book

  6. Alesha they doent get removed they get "released"

  7. Ms V I was wondering why Jonas's dad did not get sent out of the community for braking a rule...

  8. Whatever Aaron, I was tired last night when i did this... :)

  9. when i read this chapter i was asking why they let him stay instead of realising them or something.

  10. I was wondering why not send the father away, because he did break a rule ???

  11. This summary is very detailed. It shows that their "perfect world really isn't that perfect.

  12. I wonder why the parents cant choose the names and why the father got to peak at the names, why he didnt get put out for breaking a rule

  13. I agree with brian23 because no world can be perfect, it is always going to have some sort of flaw, or something.

  14. Why was it agenst the rules for Jonases father too know gabriels name befor the naming?

  15. The perfect world isn't that perfect and if they knew what the dad did he would have been dead like the twin.

  16. reading the 1st and 2nd chapter gets you into the book i dont knlow y but it made me read the chapter like twice or 3 times i think but i like it its aight

  17. for them that is a perfect society.

  18. I like how it goes into more more detail about the ceremony so it helped me because i wanted to find out more about it!

  19. I would not like to go to that meeting, because I would hate for a person to choose my job.

  20. yeah i agree with Morgan Craft because its your child so you should've been allowed to choose your own name for YOUR children, and i thought the ceremony naming thing is weird how they do that.

  21. How did the father get access to the list in the first place and the elders are suppose to have it?????

  22. Alesha you are right, how come no one finds out that the father broke the rule? Isn't someone always watching?

  23. Barbie, your comments are too short and don't really mention what is going what is going on in the story!

  24. CV! 13, what if they job they chose was the one that you really wanted? They watch you closely for a reason....

  25. What i want to know is if any saw this guy breaking a rule to look at the names. like shouldnt the area be guarded or something. if not it must not be a major rule.

  26. I think they name the children for you because they spend so much time with them in the beginning, but that is only my opinion. I would really want to name my own child too!

  27. this chapter kind of got me hooked the book

  28. that dosent make since to me.
    but i guess its a O.K chapter.

  29. I think that it was not ok for father to break any rules because he should have been the rolemodel to other kids not breaking the rules.

  30. I think this chapter is kinda weird. I think that it is completly CRAZY that you cant pick out your childs name, you just get what get, and you have to be happy with that. :/

  31. I agree with DCD because that is kind of sad that you can not pick your own name. I would be mad if i get this freaky name and i have to live with it my whole life thats sad. :(

  32. I agree with Audrenna, the father should've been a rolemodel to Jonas, what he did he shouldn't have done .

  33. Im fairly certain that the reason they can't know the name is because it was said when they took gabriel home that "You must not form a bond with the child." If you knew the name then, by calling him through the name, the child will form a bond with you, going strictly againt what they just said.

  34. but the child isnt theres to name it belongs to the birth mom and birth dad so i think they should have the right to name them since they were the ones giving birth to him/her and going through all that stress during birth and labor i strongly think they should name there own child it isnt right how they name him/her and there isnt an ifinite amount of names so what happens if they run out of names to name the children? because this book confuses me so much about how its a utopia i thought a utopia was supposed to be a peaceful society not a society where only certain people choose how to live other peoples life for them? its soo confusing to me how the author did this book.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. i really dont like the things they do in this readinq section because i would be able to go slpit up with different people and then claim them as my brother or sister!.. and aj has a point i do think that when the mother has the child she is known for keepin her child and carinq for it untill it has fully grown and know has to take resonibilty of him or her self... and yes the dad was wrong for what he did but if i was him.. i probably would have done the same thing but i wouldnt tell them that i did it.. i would have act like i aint know nothinq

  37. hey yall i like this book because it has a utopian seiciotyt

  38. ok codylishouse that is not story related give more detail of the chapter

  39. I think that this chapter was the one that got me in to the book a little.

  40. Yea me to, because it started to be interesting and not boring, like chapter 1&2.

  41. this book has a lot different things in this book
