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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

The Elevens sit in front of the stage in the order of the original numbers that were given to them at birth. The numbers are a rarely used form of identification. Jonas is Nineteen which means that he is the nineteenth child born his year, born after Fiona who is Eighteen and before Pierre who is Twenty.

The Chief Elder who is the leader of the community elected every ten years makes a speech about the times of childhood and the responsibilities of adulthood. She mentions the Committee of Elders who has worked hard on the Assignments, and one by one, Elevens are called up to the stage. For each new Twelve, a speech is made about his or her childhood and new Assignment he or she will receive. Number One, a girl named Madeline, is assigned as Fish Hatchery Attendant after whom Inger, Number Two, is announced as a Birthmother. Jonas thinks that the Assignment fits Inger who is strong, but lazy. After Issac, Three, is assigned as an Instructor of Sixes, Asher is called. The Chief Elder begins her speech about Asher. She talks about Asher's days as a Three. One day, Asher, impatient for his juice and crackers, blurted out "smack" although he had meant "snack." Because precise use of language was important, Asher was given a smack with the rod used to discipline children which was what he had asked for.


  1. It is kinda crazy punishing a kid that young for saying "smack" instead of "snack". Isin't that abuse?

  2. Technicaly it IS abuse, but they think that precision of language is very important. More important then children.

  3. They kinda are abusing him because i think its wrong they punish him for saying 1 word wrong!

  4. That was uncalled for. Bu tif there community is that way then thats the way it has to be.. But yes, it is abuse...

  5. They shouldnt of done what they did the kid for mispronouncing a word because everybody makes a mistake

  6. I agree with Jordan, people do make mistakes and they shouldn't hit anyone.
    And anyway if it is a "perfect" place then they wouldn't have abuse, would they?

  7. people shouln't punish other people's kids just by sayin something wrong, Asher should have reported the incident and it wouln't happen again

  8. I think they shouldn't hit a kid by saying just one word wrong and to at three year old

  9. i really liked this chapter because i liked finding out all the jobs that all the children got and i liked finding out all the gifts the YOUNGER kids got

  10. It was kind of funny thst Asher was saying "smack" instead of "snack". He was also likeing the attention that he was getting from everybody else

  11. I agree with brian but i don't like how he really get's samcked.

  12. I agreed sabirah i wouldn't have like to be punish cuz i hate punishment.

  13. I dont think its fair that they punished him, cause everyone makes mistakes daily, So i think that was wrong!

  14. kaylamiller(: i with u on this one......punishing people for a mistake is so wrong

  15. He shouldn't have been smacked but been talked to about the speech impedement.

  16. This chapter is kind of funny because they say "snack" instead of "smack".
