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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chapter 13

As time passes, Jonas learns the names of colors through the memories, and he begins to see things differently around him. But the colors don't last when he looks at objects, and The Giver explains that it will take a long time before he can keep the colors. Jonas becomes angry because he thinks that it is unfair to have everything be the same so that people are unable to make free choices. The Giver listens to Jonas, but also suggests that it may not be safe to let people make decisions on their own.


  1. If i was jonas i would try to explain color to people.

  2. Ok. Since they have no idea what color is, they'll think hes crazy. Think of it like this. Your in like... uh... 1700... or whenever people didnt know about germs... Well, you start telling people "Oh my gosh there are invisible things out in the air trying to kill us!" They will think of you as crazy. Thats kind of the position Jonas is in

  3. i agree with Jonas it is unfair that no one gets to make desicions for themselves

  4. i agree to because if someone else had to make desicions for me i would be made because what if i didnt wont to do

  5. Morgan is right you have rights and they have a chioce too. Too bad that they don't know they have them.

  6. i agree with Matt_L thats how i feel about it.

  7. I kind of feel bad for Jonas, because he has this awesome thing that no one else knows about and he can't tell anyone. That must stink.

  8. well matt_l you could try to give them the memory of color!

  9. I think that this community should have at least let them all see color, I mean that means that they will never be able to experience a beautiful sunset or even the pretty colors of all different kinds flowers. To me I think the whole thing about sameness is really dumb!!! And that would really stink

  10. No we cant because Jonas is the only one who can really take in memories. Remeber that whole grey eye thing? That was to emphasise that he is able to take in his memory, which is also why Jonas took gabriel at the end. I mean, or else HE would end up taking in those horrible memories of sadness, starvation, depression, and DOOM!! o_o

  11. They stick with no color for no more horrible things. Think of racism. Some people (No not me, seriously) don't like a specific type of ethnic race for a color. When deleteing that color, BAM, no more racism. Now we have accents. Some people mock others for accents. Edit that and, BAM, no more mocking.

  12. uhh i think its sooo crazy that those poor little people have to walk around without seeing colors i mean who wants to see black white and gray thats very boring

  13. I feel like Jonas because everybody shouldnt have people makeing there own choices.

  14. i think that everybody is free to said what ever they want so i think jonas is free to teach other people about the colors!!!!!!

  15. When the giver suggest the idea to not letting everyone have a free choice........the idea of that is like taking someones free will.

  16. I wonder why no one in that place can decide on there own.

  17. I think that it is very same for people to think on the own, because it helps you learn more with out know body helps, unless you come to a point that you need help.

  18. i meant safe for people to think on their own. im sorry

  19. They shouldn't let people have there own choice
