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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chapter 11

At first, Jonas does not feel anything, but after awhile, he feels that the hands on his back are cold. He discovers that the air has also turned cold, and his whole body can feel the chill. Then, "he [becomes] aware of an entirely new sensation: pinpricks? No, because they [are] soft and without pain. Tiny, cold, featherlike feelings [pepper] his body and face. He [puts] out his tongue again, and [catches] one of the dots of cold upon it. It [disappears] from his awareness instantly; but he [catches] another, and another. The sensation [makes] him smile." Chapter 11, pg. 80 Although he is aware of the fact that he is on the bed in the room with the man, another part of him feels that he is sitting on something hard and flat. Even with his eyes closed, Jonas can see something floating in the air around him. Somehow, he knows that it is "snow" just as he knows that he is sitting on a "sled" which is on top of what is a "hill." When the sled moves through the snow, he knows that he is going downhill. "He [is] free to enjoy the breathless glee that [overwhelms] him: the speed, the clear cold air, the total silence, the feeling of balance and excitement and peace." Chapter 11, pg. 82 He comes to a stop when too much snow piles up in front of the sled, hindering further movement. When he opens his eyes, he sees that he is on the bed with the old man watching him.


  1. i think its weird how he can be at two places at once and did the giver get his memories from the giver before him?

  2. its is very wierd how he could be at two place at the same time but were there two the givers when the giver now was yonger

  3. He isnt really in 2 places at once. Hes more like in a dream state... Hes like THINKING hes in one place when hes just in a bed half asleep..... Yayss :D

  4. well by being in a dream he kinda is in two places at once.

  5. No he isnt. Hes just dreaming. When you dream your on your bed. Your not flying through space and a magic pony~!

  6. matt is write in a way but when u are in a dream your mind is somewhere just like jonas is DREAMING

  7. the transferring memory it seems to be a hard and important job. I woudnt be the one to jump in for that position.///

  8. Yeah! In a way he is in two places at once. He thinks he is one place but he is really in a bed half asleep.. I agree with Matt!

  9. didnt you like this chapter?
    i did. (:

  10. That whole thing kind of confused me but I am trying my hardest to understand.

  11. woooow Darien and Kayla! How did you guys feel about the chapter?

  12. wow jamal really, that was really smart of you to touch the snow without gloves. :-)

  13. Thats crazy how he aint no what snow was...Uhuh really......SLoooo!!! but yeah i woulda been nervous o02!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Well matt_L he is in 2 plases at once hes in the dream and on the bed. Why did you mention the pony?

  15. I mentioned the pony because it's pure GENIOUSNESS. And he ISNT in 2 places at once. Picture imagination.... no just picture a place. Your not there are you? Your in a seat.

  16. This chapter is really interesting. Its a good thing to know why he feels these things and know these things.

  17. Its pretty cool how he gets the memories while closing his eyes!

  18. This chapter is really interesting because it is good to know how is feeling
