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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chapter 4

On his way to do volunteering, Jonas thinks that he has always liked being able to choose how to spend his volunteer hours because the rest of his hours are always so "carefully regulated."


  1. i love this chapter its amazing.
    i like it because it relates to me and i love to help people out. :)

  2. i agree with Daniella... I like to help people.. also, i think that Jonas is realizing that it a perfect world isnt a perfect world...

  3. What does Jonas mean when he says,"carefuly regulated."

  4. I like this chapter! it relates to me too. but at the same time it makes me feel like i have to throw up!! I cant stand the smel of old people, but i love helping people out that needs it..... because thats just the nice person i am!! =}

  5. I wouldnt like to have regulated hours because i dont know what i will do next.

  6. I like this chapter but i dont like how you have to spend you free time doing volenteering, i think you should be able to do what ever doing your free time

  7. I agree with Jordan because they shouldn't be made to volunteer. If they want to volunteer then they can, but I don't see why they have to.

  8. I think the free time should be yours to chose if you do volentering work but it isnt for Jonas.

  9. What does "carefully regulated", means?

  10. I wouldnt like my hours regulated ever

  11. Carefully regulated means its been made to the way that the persons schedule won't interfere his life and other jobs

  12. in that world are you aloud to choose how spend your volunteer hours

  13. Thats atleast 1 good thing for him..
    because everything else got to be arranged for him.

  14. I think that it is kind of cool that they get to pick where they want to volunteer at. That is probably the only freedom or choice that they have.

  15. First of all, everyone please make sure you read this entire chapter. It is not very long, but the summary is short and doesn't explain very much.

    Carefully Regulated means that Jonas has to be in specific places at specific times every single day. The only time he can actually choose where he can go is during his volunteer hours during the day. He doesn't have any "free" time, really.

  16. MAR! 3 That is a very funny comment. You have to be a special kind of person to be able to work well with old people. You are right they can be kind of smelly. I am sure that in this world, that is carefully regulated too. They probably have special schedules too and have to do certain things to make sure they are clean and take their medicine every day so they won't be released too early.

  17. I kinda like this and don't cuz i would have like to choose my own volunteering work when ever im doin it.

  18. I wouldn't like to have all my hours in a schedule. It isn't fair that the whole community doesn't have a choice to their hour only when you vollenteer.

  19. im glade that jona like choosing his volenteers hours.. but me wouldnt wantinq to be qoinq around and helpinq older people... not tryinq to be mean about it but thats just got i feel

  20. I would like to choose my voluntering hours!!

  21. I would like this time to because it would my only free time.

  22. i would have liked to choose where i volenteer at.

  23. That is messed up because on his free time he has to do volenteering
