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1. All Comments MUST be school appropriate!
2. You need to make intelligent comments about the different chapters of the novel.
3. Every comment should be in a complete sentence.
4. It is ok to disagree, but you must give your reasoning and it must not be done in an insulting manner.
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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chapter 6

Mother is fixing Lily's hair for the Ceremony in December. She is impatient and irritated, but Jonas reminds her that with the ceremony each year, good things happen. This year, she will start her volunteering, and the year before, she had gotten her front-buttoned jacket as a Seven. All Fours, Fives, and Sixes are required to wear jackets that are buttoned in the back so that they can learn to depend on one another. As Sevens, the children wear jackets that are buttoned in the front. As Nines, they start riding bicycles, signaling their independence.


  1. Ms. V They all thee same and Yhu know Daht.....Like i dunno what to putt.

  2. In the begining Lily sure sounds like my little sister but she is 11 years. But if I was a small child I would also be excited.

  3. In the begining Lily sure sounds like my little sister but she is 19 years. But if I was a small child I would also be excited.

  4. I like this chapter, because it resembles independence. I feel I have independence in my house when my parents trust me enough to stay home alone.(:

  5. i like this chapter because i feel like it does resemble independance... I agree with you babycakes1563??? ..

  6. Thats pretty awkaward. Why would they do something like that.

  7. I agree I love to know my parents trust me, so I feel i have indepence! I would have been excited if I was Lily, getting a jacket with buttons on the front of the jacket insead of the back yay!!

  8. i like the fact that my parents trust me

  9. I dont understand why they do that whole ceremony thing. Why do they give them pockets and stuff?

  10. I always thought about that brian23 but i never asked. WHY?? did they does anyone know.

  11. I do not understand why Lily is being iritable about the ribons in her hair.

  12. If i was Lily i wouldnt be very happy to start doing my volunteer hours because 1 if you dont finish all of them then or you wont get an assignment and theyre forcing you to do them

  13. lily must have been really excited about the ceremony. i kno i would have been.

  14. I like all those things they do when they turn a different age
