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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chapter 22

Jonas moves ahead into an unfamiliar territory with untended roads. There are also more trees, forests, and streams. For the first time, they see a waterfall and wildlife. They even see a bird flying over them which Jonas vaguely remembers from the memories he received from The Giver. Soon, more birds appear as well as a deer and an animal he cannot identify. Jonas is happy looking around the new landscape, never having encountered these things before in the community with "a life of Sameness and predictability."
But there are new fears as well, one of them being the fear of starvation.


  1. i think that I would have felt the same way if i were in his position.

  2. i agree and because its probably a place where a lot of animals are and Jonas has not seen them before.:)

  3. ohh jamal i thought he was talking about a beaver. i dont know is he?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I thought that the animal that he didn't know was a fox.But if I there I would have felt the same way.

  6. well there are alot of animals with reddish brown hair and a thick tail so it could be alot of different species of animals so we cant assume it without evidence saying which animal it is

  7. well i geuse it is a good thing that the book didnt tell us and it makes us want to figure out what it is

  8. I would not know what to do if there was big animals forest..........

  9. I would dee, first of all im afriad of wild animal so when i see them in the forest i would run cuz i know that some of them might hurt me.

  10. at this point in the story i would be terrified i mean they have been so closed off from things we're all used to so they arent really aware of what there seeeing and hearing and even really feeling it would all be new to him and he wouldnt know how to react if something were to happen.

  11. I would be horrified if i heard airplanes after me.I couldnt run away and not know where im going. I think Jonas should have thought it a little more through but if it was to save Gabriel i guess it is ok

  12. if i were in jonas shoes i would have felt a little afraid because i hate beinq in the wild..but then also i would loved to experiment it like just to go and take a look at it.. but yes about the starvation i would not know what do i would have either killed an animal of go to the nearest store around.

  13. I would have just plained paniced. Seriously. I just left an area where the WILLINGLY kill BABIES and they are CHASING me in HEAT SENSING PLANES!! Also, Jonas already knows that if he goes back he'll be realeased. And as we all know what release is, I would just freak out. They're perfect utopia is messed up. Whats next?? EATING the dead babies full of lethal injections?

  14. Hey ejayla, this chapter was good right? (:

  15. yeah, it was really crazy though i mean all the animals i would be soo scared haha.....

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Just because someone in class said it was a squirrel doesn't make them correct, maybe you have to go back and read again to make sure.

  18. I think that the animal that they saw was a squirrel

  19. Im pretty sure the animal was a fox.

  20. I think that there all our opinion so we all could be right. Because we all think differently so we can't really say one person is right until you REALLY know if it's correct.
