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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chapter 14

The memory is very similar to the first one, but the hill is steeper and the weather is colder. It is not snowing as much because the ground is hard, not as soft. Jonas is excited as the sled moves down, but gradually, he becomes frightened, realizing that he cannot steer and that the sled is gaining speed uncontrollably. "The sled [hits] a bump in the hill and Jonas is jarred loose and thrown violently into the air. He [falls] with his leg twisted under him, and [can] hear the crack of bone. His face [scrapes] along jagged edges of ice...Then, the first wave of pain. He [gasps]. It [is] as if a hatchet [lies] lodged in his leg, slicing through each nerve with a hot blade. In his agony, he [perceives] the word 'fire' and [feels] flames licking at the torn bone and flesh." Chapter 14, pg. 109 Unable to move, he screams and cries, vomiting and bleeding. Suddenly, he finds himself on the bed in the Annex room. He still feels aching pain, but when he asks for relief-of-pain, The Giver denies his request. Realizing that he cannot take any medication and that he cannot discuss his training with his family at home, Jonas is lonely. He thinks to himself that his parents and Lily "have never known pain."


  1. I'd be excited to go down a hill for the first time

  2. What if people fall in the community and break a bone you cant prevent getting hurt so would it be something no ones experienced before?

  3. I agree with Morgan. She has a point no ones ever experienced that in the community, I mean If they want them to be the same in everything. So does that mean if they have to be the same they might get realesed from the community for not being sameness?

  4. I agree with both Micah and Morgan

  5. I agree with Morgan i mean they have experienced pain, because when Jonas slammed his finger in the door he felt pain. So isn't that being different??

  6. Yeah, I think Krissy is completly right with this one! (:

  7. OOUUCCHH!! ok i certainly couldnt had been jonas in this chapter because i dont wanna be hurting and i definetly wouldnt be asking for it in the first place i would like aviod it every chance i could get.

  8. Ooo! I like michas question! But yeah, would they be released if there supposed to be the same and they arent... In a way they are all diffrent once they all get there DIFFFRENT jobs! right?

  9. I agree with morgan also because you haven't experinced it before.

  10. I would hate to get that memory because he actually feels his leg getting hurt really bad.

  11. I like the twist at the end because I wasn't expecting it and also I am into sick stuff.

  12. When he fell down he was scared and in pain and in more pain than ever before. Even if it was only a memory it still hurt him in the real world.

  13. this meomery would suck because if u feel the pain while ur haveing your memory it really would suck

  14. in my belief i think that the hill he is goin down is the same one that he sled down the hill at the end

  15. i would have probably expected that the second time going down the hill

  16. I'll being excited to go down my very first hill.
